The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
What do I Stand for in Life?

1. Happiness
If you want happiness for an hour,
-take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day,
-go fishing.
If you want happiness for a month,
-get married.
If you want happiness for a year,
-inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime,
-help somebody else.
Chinese Proverb
My School Headmaster used to say that the goal is to be happy. I believe it is very important to have happiness around you in life. Now you might think that what does it mean to stand for happiness?
Let me explain.
Happiness comes when you are in the process of achieving something, which means always having a goal to look up to. Happiness comes from helping others, so I stand for serving and helping others in whatever way one can.
We all are part of one big energy to which our souls belong to. When we unite and create a family(which represents a team or parents children or friends or a group where there is unity), energies come together and souls become happier.
Happiness comes from Unity, Goals and Helping others.
Six Human Needs to be Happy
4 Needs to be happy are Personality Based
- Certainty
- Uncertainty/variety
- Significance
- Connection/Love
These are personality based. One might need something more and the other less.
2 Needs are which every Soul needs to be happy
- Growth
- Contribution to something bigger than ourselves

2. Education
I believe every human on the planet deserves a good education.
I stand for the education which teaches a person how to live a life happily and purposefully.
I believe the purpose of formal education is to teach a child how to learn and build competency.
Formal education is important, do not get me wrong but the world needs education which teaches them how to live a better life and make this earth a better place.
What it includes is Financial education, sexual education, self-awareness education, moral values and principles of life education and mindset plus leadership development.
Education is the one pillar which can lead to the biggest transformation in the world leading to huge success and better lifestyle around the world. It has definitely changed my life and can change others too.
Learning about Laws of Success is also essential as it builds the right foundation for a person to become successful.
This will lead to creating successful communities then from there to successful nations and from there successful generations.
Success is not all about money. There are many other successes like happiness which money can not buy. To be honest, there can not be any kind of success without some economical success. If a person does not have money for food to eat, it becomes really tough to have any other success in life. Economical success is not everything but it is important.
Education plays a huge role in this. As proper education about finances, life and success can help a person lead a successful and responsible life.
Entrepreneurs will bring a growth in the economical success rate.
Economical Success represents a person earning good enough to lead a life where he/she manages to create a good lifestyle. All necessities covered well and also have some fun in life.
This is not the responsibility of governments or schools. I believe it is we who have to take charge and help each other be successful.
Entrepreneurs are the ones who have changed the world for good and will be the ones responsible for this too. As leaders accomplish big visions and entrepreneurs suit the job.
3. Economical Success
What it means?
It refers to the principle of "equality of opportunity," which means that everyone should have an equal chance to succeed and fulfill their potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. Believing in equality is not only a matter of social and moral responsibility but also a way to build more just, prosperous, and harmonious societies.
By fostering inclusive communities and workplaces that celebrate diversity and provide equal opportunities for all, we can collectively promote equality.
Educating ourselves and others about the importance of fairness and justice in our interactions and policies is a shared responsibility that can advance equality.
Advocating for equitable laws and policies, participating in social justice initiatives, and supporting organizations dedicated to equality are ways we can work together.
4. Equality
5. Non Judgemental Society
In a non-judgmental society, we embrace diversity and foster an environment where understanding and empathy flourish. Here, individuals are free to express themselves without fear of harsh judgment or prejudice. We recognize that each person's journey is unique, and we celebrate the differences that make our world rich and colorful. Instead of jumping to conclusions, we engage in open dialogue, seeking to understand one another's perspectives and experiences. In this society, kindness and compassion are our guiding principles, and we work collectively to dismantle stereotypes and biases, creating a more inclusive and harmonious world where acceptance and respect are the cornerstones of our interactions.
Being non-judgmental is a cornerstone of empathy, understanding, and harmonious relationships, and it contributes to both personal and societal well-being.

6. Impact

Leadership is harnessed to impact by inspiring and guiding individuals.
​Effective leaders empower others to reach their full potential, fostering innovation and growth, while also championing values and initiatives that drive positive change in organizations and communities.

Love is a powerful force that impacts by nurturing compassion, understanding, and connection among individuals, fostering harmonious relationships, and driving acts of kindness that ripple through society, promoting positivity and unity.

Empathy allows us to deeply understand others' perspectives and emotions, fostering stronger connections and enabling us to address their needs with genuine care and support, ultimately creating positive change in their lives.

Kindness is a catalyst for impact, as it spreads positivity and inspires a ripple effect of goodwill. Small acts of kindness have the power to brighten someone's day, build stronger communities, and create a more compassionate world.
30 min